During Summer (April-June)
Show room open on all Sundays
from 10 AM to 6 PMCost price sale
of Carrier AC units
for all show room orders on
Sundays and 5 to 7 PM on weekdaysTo avail this offer
please visit our show room
AIR-O-MATIC Systems - Air Conditioning Engineers
Air-O-Matic Systems (Chennai) Pvt. Ltd, a leading air conditioning contracting company in Chennai (Madras) are authorised dealers for Carrier, Midea, and Toshiba air conditioners and Climate Control systems.
We specialize in sales, design, supply, installation, AMC and servicing of all types and makes of AC systems, providing comfort to the many corporates, offices and homes in Chennai.
Our customers are widespread and are from fields covering building construction to engineering, pharmaceuticals, hotels, restaurants, IT-software establishments , entertainment centres as well as offices and homes.
The equipment range dealt by us include window, split, cassette, ductable, inverter, VRV, VRF and central HVAC systems. We use environment friendly refrigerants.
We offer competitive prices for the AC units with the best after sales service that can be expected by a clinet.